Following the Spring Rec Season,All-Starteams will representIGSAinpost-season play (8U+)
This iscompetitive playandwinningis the primarygoal
IGSAwill attempt to form aGoldandSilverteam in each Division
A secondSilverteam may be formed with sufficient interest and talent
Parents will need to complete aLetter-of-Intentform
Players areexpectedto attendALLpractices and tournaments
All-Starseason begins inearly Mayand will conclude sometime betweenmid-June/mid-July(based on results)
Teams will play in4-5Invitational tournaments
Teams will then play inUSA Softballqualifying tournaments
All-StarplayersMUSThave a league sponsoredMatte White HelmetandColumbia/Navy Boombah Player Bag
In order to appropriately manage expectations,All-Starplayer selections are extremely competitive. ChoosingAll-Starteams is a challenging and comprehensive process and only thebest playersand/or the the players that best compliment the composition of the entire team will be chosen
Noplayer will beguaranteeda spot on any team
Playing timeandpositionsarenotguaranteed, and coaches are not required to play players a minimum number of innings.
While some players may prefer one position to another, it is important to recognize that at this competitive level of play, all positions are critical to the team’s success, and the coach will construct their line-up accordingly
Player Eligibility
ALL PlayersMUSTbe a part of the league and registered with USA Softball prior toApril 1
PlayersMUSTplay in75%of the league scheduledRec gamesduring the Spring season
Multiple Rec Leagues -- In the rare circumstance that a player plays for 2 different leagues during the same Rec season, theyMUSTchoose which league to play All-Stars for byApril 1
Player mayNOTparticipate inANYnon-USA Softball activities (travel, select, tryouts, workouts, fill-in, etc.)AFTER March 31, otherwise the player will be ineligible to participate on an All-Star team.
All-Star teams may only allow aMAXIMUM of 4players who have played Travel softballAFTER January 1. Should more than 4 players that fit this criterion tryout for an All-Star team, those players will be restricted to the maximum allowable.
IGSA Fall Select
The goal ofFall Selectis to provide our players the opportunity to participate in a more competitive environment during the Fall season
Fall Selectteamsdo notplay on a Rec team and play a distinct and separate schedule fromFall Recteams (unlike Spring).
Winning, success and development are paramount during theFall Selectseason.
Playing time and positions are not guaranteed, and coaches are not required to play players a minimum number of innings.
An additionalFall Selectfee may apply
Fall SelectplayersMUSThave a league sponsoredMatte White HelmetandColumbia/Navy Boombah Player Bag
Fall Selectteams will either be chosen by the Select coaches, in consultation with the Board, or may require a Select Evaluation
Select teams by invitation only in8U, 10U, 12U(tryouts may be necessary).
GoldandSilverlevel may be offered in each age group (with sufficient interest)
14Uteams will be for experienced players only and will play as Select teams (with sufficient interest — subject to change). New/Inexperienced players may form a Rec/Developmental Team.
Selectteams practice 2X per week (+ additional cage time), play doubleheaders on Sundays and participate in two Tournaments
Pumpkin Tournament:Late October
Turkey Tournament:Early November
Select Season will conclude following final tournament
Fall Select
IGSA Rec Ball
The purpose ofIGSAis to introduce and teach young girls the game of softball
Players aged4 1/2-14
Teams offered in6U,8U,10U,12U,14Uage divisions
No experience necessary and players of all experience levels welcome
Evaluations (Spring only) may be necessary for a draft and/or to distribute talent appropriately
All registered and eligible players will be placed on aRecteam (No cuts)
SpringandFallseasons (see above)
IGSA Spring Select
During the Spring Rec season,IGSAteams also participate in aSpring Selectseason (8U+no6USelect))
Spring Selectis inadditiontoSpring Rec
Playersmustbe registered and assigned to aSpring Recteam to be eligible
Spring Selectteams are chosen by the Select coaches following Rec evaluations
To be considered for aSpring Selectteam playersmust attendtheRec evaluations, unless given approval from the Board.
Spring Selectseasonbeginslate-January/early-February
Spring Selectparticipationis limited toone dayper week (in addition to Rec team schedule)
Spring Selectteams typically play onSundays(practice or doubleheaders)
Spring Selectseasonendslate-March/early-April(dormant for last month on Rec season)
Spring Selectfeeswill be in addition to Rec registration
Selectteams will form only with sufficient interest, talent and the approval of a volunteer coach at the appropriate levels